Sunday, December 28, 2014

2014: A Year in Review

As we gathered with friends and family over the Christmas holiday, we began to discuss what our favorite parts of 2014 year.  We went around a circle and each person shared what their favorite part of the past year was.  I think I got jipped (is that how you spell that?) because I went after Kevin who said the same thing I wanted to say.  Our favorite part of this past year was the fact that I moved to Grand Rapids and that we were able to live in the same city (not to mention the same state) for the first time since we graduated high school….in 2012.  I feel like our relationship really grew since I made the move and it's much easier to test out recipes on him when he can actually be present to taste them.

But with all of the favorite things come all of the least favorite events.

I spent a majority of 2014 being in my twenties which brought along a lot of difficulties in and of itself.  Twenty is the weird age where you are too young to drink and party and reserve rental cars but too old to go to the theaters to see pixar films and shop at aeropostale.  And being in culinary school where I'm learning how to make a reduction sauce with port but I can't practice it at home because I can't purchase alcohol yet.  I experienced a lot of growing pains this year, struggling to find the balance between finding my own way and being on my own in my own apartment and still leaning on my parents financially when needed.  But as I look back, I just feel blessed overall to have such an amazing man in my life who supports me and cares for me, as well as incredible family and friends.

Now looking forward, I am excited about many things.  Hopefully this year I will graduate from the program at the local community college that I am attending which will land me with my second Associate's degree (yay!).  Kevin and I will both be turing 21 within the next couple of months which is sure to bring a lot more traditional risotto dished to this blog.  Also, we just started booking things for our trip out East which is happening this summer.  We are super excited because it will be Kevin's first time on a plane and his first time out east! Now I can finally show him where I lived for a little over a year and he can meet the amazing friends I made!  I am also going to Italy for 10 days or so through a Study Away program at school where I get to make pasta in Italy! In preparation for my trip, I am learning Italian through Rosetta Stone (hopefully it works!).  Kevin will be starting his Senior year in the Fall of 2015 at GVSU which seems crazy to me!  It seems like just yesterday we were walking across the football field in our cap and gowns receiving our high school diplomas.  I'm sure that many other amazing and exciting things will happen in 2015 and I'm so fortunate to be able to experience all of these things with Kevin by my side. And I got a new cookbook for Christmas that I have already dog-eared several pages of recipes to try, so this year is sure to bring many new recipes and posts!

Cheers to the New Year!

Monday, May 19, 2014

A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold

"We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” 
                                                                                                                                                            ― Aldo Leopold

Photo courtesy of

I came across this book because Kevin had to read it for his Natural Resource Management class at GVSU.  He had read and actually enjoyed it which isn't the case for many books that are assigned to us throughout our educations.  He passed it along to me to read and at first, I was a little apprehensive.  I mean come on, I'm a culinary girl, not really a hunter or a naturalist.  I do enjoy camping and hiking but I had never really pursued the subject.

If you have never heard of Aldo Leopold, which I am sad to say I hadn't, he is an amazing person.  He was born in 1887 and grew up in Burlington, Iowa.  He graduated form Yale Forest School and pursued a career in forestry by working in many National Forests.  He eventually ended up in Wisconsin, which is where many of the stories told in the book take place.  Unfortunately, he passed away in 1948 while fighting a wildfire on his neighbors property.  His writing style is amazing, but it can take some getting used to.  To read more about Aldo Leopold and his mark on history, visit .

This book is a collection of various stories and contemplations of Mr. Leopold's, narrated by himself.  I am not very familiar with the lingo of conservationists, so I had to look up a couple of the words used to know exactly what he was referring to.  I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would.  It really opened my eyes to the effect we are having on nature and how precarious ecosystems can be.  He has a way of opening your eyes to new things, even though you may have looked at them for years.

"Early risers feel at ease with each other, perhaps because, unlike those who sleep late, they are given to understatement of their own achievements.  Orion, the most widely traveled, says literally nothing.  The coffee pot, from its first soft gurgle, under claims the virtues of what simmers within.  The owl, in his trisyllabic commentary, plays down the story of the night's murders.  The goose on the bar, rising briefly to a point of order in some inaudible anserine debate, lets fall no hint that he speaks with the authority of all the far hills and the sea."                               Excerpt from A Sand County Almanac  
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Mr. Leopold also knows very well how the circle of life goes.  He even discusses the decision he faced between digging up a nearby tree to his prize white pine.  While reading this book, I would often curl up on my couch with the porch door open and listen to the sounds of nature.  There is a little pond outside my window and a family of ducks and geese have arrived with the coming of spring.  I listened to the birds chirping and I found a new appreciation to the sometimes obnoxious way geese communicate.

I love the way he writes, his language is so simple yet it conveys a certain reverence to nature.  I highly recommend this book to anyone, as it will really open your eyes in a new way.  He also appeals to the foodie side of me.  This next excerpt shows how truly amazing nature is to all living things.

"Every region has a human food symbolic to its fatness.  The hills of the Gavilan find their gastronomic epitome in this wise: Kill a mast-fed buck, not earlier than November, not later than January.  Hang him in a live-oak tree for seven frosts and seven suns.  Then cut out the half-frozen 'straps' from their bed of tallow under the saddle, and slice them transversely into steaks.  Rub each steak with salt, pepper, and flour.  Throw into a Dutch oven containing deep smoking-hot bear fat and standing on live-oak coals.  Fish out the steaks at the first sign of browning.  Throw a little flour into the fat, then ice-cold water, then milk.  Lay a steak on the summit of a steaming sour-dough biscuit and drown both in gravy.
'This structure is symbolic.  The buck lies on his mountains, and the golden gravy is the sunshine that floods his days, even unto the end."                                        Excerpt from A Sand County Almanac
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You can find this book on Amazon, or at your local library.  
                                                                                                                                     Happy Reading!


 Welcome to the newest addition to the Spoonful of Sugar Blog!!! In addition to my love for cooking, baking, and of course eating, I also love to spend my time reading.  I love disappearing into novels with a cup of coffee and a soft blanket, or explore new topics that maybe I'm not too familiar with.  This is a place where we can explore the world together, and grow our minds and our imagination.  I hope that everyone continues to keep the printed page alive in a world where so many of us only read on Facebook.
