I definitely think that this book is geared toward younger readers than myself, like preteens and teens, however it was a nice "fluff" book to read in between heavier novels (check out my next post on The Time Traveler's Wife). It is super easy to read and I finished it in less than a week, even with being in school 4 days a week. Sometimes its nice to just read a book that doesn't require you to look up fancy words or think about the hidden meanings.
The main character is Emma, a baker who ends up working for a business tycoon who recently left corporate life and bought a hotel in honor of his late wife who used to work there. The author centers around God and how God is trying to repair Jackson's heart from the devasting passing of his late wife by introducing Emma into his life. Basically a love story, this book takes a new path to exploring the love concept by tying in Emma's 'divorced' parents. A perfect read with Valentine's Day fast approaching!
I really liked this book because at the end of each chapter, there is either a recipe or tips on cake decorating. Some of the recipes are definitely some I will have to test out such as the recipe for Espresso Fondant. Overall, I would recommend this book to any Christian women who needs a break from serious and heavy books. Plus it's nice to get lost in a fictional characters problems rather than dwell in your own.
Happy Reading!